Winters can make roads slippery and dangerous. While adding tire chains can be a workable solution in the harsh snow, you might be asking if you need tire chains on all 4 tires?

The answer is yes. In order to keep your vehicle balanced on snowy and slippery roads, It is recommended to put chains on all 4 tires. Doing so will ensure the best performance and strong grip of the tires on the road.
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Tire Chains: What are they?
Tire chains, also known as snow chains, are devices fastened over the tires for a better grip on snowy, icy, and slippery roads.
Not only do they provide better traction and grip on the road, but they are also legally required in some places.
Do you need chains on all of the 4 tires?
For maximum traction and safety, chains on all 4 tires would be ideal.
Some individuals can get by with only one pair, but if you’re going to be driving through icy mountains with sharp turns, chains on all four wheels are definitely a good idea.
However, it also depends on the drive wheel you use, such as two-wheel drive vehicles, which are only going to use snow chains on the drive axle.
Chains go on the back tires if you have a rear-wheel drive vehicle, and front-only chains if you have a front-wheel drive vehicle.
However, it is highly advised to use chains on all four tires in extreme conditions to prevent any sort of damage.
This will guarantee the balance of the vehicle and its safety. If the chain is installed only on one tire, then it will cause problems due to imbalance.
It is important to note that every car is different. So, to get a clear response, consult your owner’s handbook under the headings “snow chains” or “tire chains.”
Importance of these chains on tires:
We know how dangerous it is to drive in the snow when you are most likely to lose traction of your car.
The loss of grip on the tires can result in slippage and many unwanted accidents.
When your car is stuck in the snow or loses traction on a slippery road, this is where the tire chains come in handy.
Tire chains are an essential element of winter driving as they give a firmer grip on the road. Installing them on your tires is one of the finest and most effective ways to offer extra control to your car in the snow.
When a snow chain is wrapped around a tire, it can sink deeper into the snow and ice and make it easier to stay on track without spinning easily.
Working of these chains:
The chains work by providing traction on the surface and penetrating a significant layer of snow, allowing the wheels to freely rotate and prevent slippage.
Speaking of unchained tires, they may generate a lot of friction or grip between the surface of the tire and the pavement.
However, when the pavement gets wet, it reduces the friction or grip of the tire.
The resulting lack of friction can be dangerous to the driver. Ice makes this process even more dangerous.
So even if you have winter tires, for better and risk-free control, you still need tire chains that will work more effectively and provide additional friction on wet and slippery pavements.
Driving with the chains – Things you need to know
Speed limit: One possible downside to the tire chains is that you have to decrease your speed limit, as tire chains can only tolerate a certain amount of pressure and speed. The speed limit should not exceed 30mph when chained. Going any faster could cause the chains to break.
Wheel spinning under braking: Wheel-spin or the wheels locking up when braking is the most frequent issue when using tire chains. You should avoid locking or spinning your wheels by avoiding sudden braking as it can break the chains.
Do snow chains damage tires?
You shouldn’t experience any tire damage if the chain is installed correctly and maintained at lower speeds as advised by the chain’s manufacturer.
When to put snow chains on?
When chains are needed, the local transportation authorities will let you know.
Before you go behind the wheel, you may check their website to see the state of the roads.
Additionally, there will be a notice on the roadway warning you to put your chains on.